Glossary “welding rod” Definition:
Form of welding filler metal, normally packaged in straight lengths, that does not conduct the welding current on the outer surface.
What is welding?
welding tip
Glossary “welding tip” Definition:
Part of an oxyfuel gas welding torch from which the gases flow.
welding filler metal
Glossary “welding filler metal” Definition:
Metal or alloy added in making a weld joint that allows the base metal to form weld metal in a fusion welded joint.
welding filter lens
Glossary “welding filter lens” Definition:
Sometimes called filter plate, it is a shaded glass welding helmet insert for protecting your eyes from ultraviolet burns. The shading value is numbered, the higher the number, the dark the shading.
welding arc
Glossary “welding arc” Definition:
Controlled electrical discharge between the electrode and the work piece that is formed and sustained by the establishment of a gaseous, conductive medium.
Glossary “welding” Definition:
Joining process that produces merging of materials by heating them to the welding temperature, with or without the application of pressure or by the application of pressure alone, and with or without the use of filler material.