Glossary “vacuum brake booster” Definition:
Device that uses vacuum to amplify the braking force.
What is vacuum?
vacuum booster
Glossary “vacuum booster” Definition:
Power bbrake actuating mechanism that uses vacuum on one side of a diaphragm as a power source to amplify braking force.
vacuum advance control
Glossary “vacuum advance control” Definition:
An emissions-control system component that allows vacuum advance only during certain modes of engine operation.
vacuum amplifier
Glossary “vacuum amplifier” Definition:
Term used for venturi vacuum amplifier.
vacuum advance
Glossary “vacuum advance” Definition:
The principle of advancing ignition timing by using the vacuum generated by the engine, accomplished through the use of a mechanism attached to the distributor which moves the breaker point or pickup coil plate when it receives vacuum.
Glossary “vacuum” Definition:
1). Any pressure less than atmospheric. 2). An enclosed space from which all air has been removed, having an absolute atmospheric pressure of near zero.