Glossary “three stage topcoat system” Definition:
A topcoat system composed of a basecoat portion, a midcoat portion, and a transparent clearcoat portion. The VOC content of a three-stage topcoat system is determined by a special formula.
What is three
three way catalyst (TWC)
Glossary “three way catalyst (TWC)” Definition:
A catalytic converter that oxidizes hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide and reduces oxides of nitrogen emissions. It has a chamber upstream handling reduction, and one downstream handling oxidation.
three way tailgate
Glossary “three way tailgate” Definition:
Can be operated as a tailgate with the glass fully down, or as a door with the glass up or down.
three piece valve
Glossary “three piece valve” Definition:
Intake or exhaust valve made of three different types of material in the head, stem, and tip.
three quarter floating axle
Glossary “three quarter floating axle” Definition:
An axle in which the axle housing carries the weight of the vehicle while the bearings support the wheels on the outer ends of the axle housing tubes.
three speed differential
Glossary “three speed differential” Definition:
A type of two-speed axle arrangement with the capability of operating both axles at a different speed at the same time. The third speed is actually an intermediate speed between the high and low range.
three speed transmission
Glossary “three speed transmission” Definition:
A transmission providing three forward-gear ratios, one reverse gear ratio and neutral.
three phase
Glossary “three phase” Definition:
Type of electrical power such as that produced by an alternator.
three body sections
Glossary “three body sections” Definition:
For simplicity and to help communications in the auto body repair, a vehicle is divided into front, center, and rear sections.
three dimensional measuring system
Glossary “three dimensional measuring system” Definition:
A measuring system that can locate points with the dimensions of length, width, and height, relative to three defined reference planes.
three mode cycle
Glossary “three mode cycle” Definition:
A quick test procedure to study the causes of high emissions performed on a dynamometer under load or in a service bay without a load.