Glossary “suction service valve” Definition:
Term used for low-side service valve.
What is suction?
suction side
Glossary “suction side” Definition:
That portion of a system that is under low pressure.
suction throttling valve
Glossary “suction throttling valve” Definition:
Back-pressure regulated device that prevents freeze-up of the evaporator core.
suction pressure
Glossary “suction pressure” Definition:
Compressor inlet pressure.
suction cup tool
Glossary “suction cup tool” Definition:
A large synthetic rubber cup for sticking onto parts. They are often used to hold window glass when holding or moving the glass, or also to pop-out large surface area dents in panels.
suction line
Glossary “suction line” Definition:
1). The line connecting the evaporator outlet to the compressor inlet. 2). A low-pressure line in a system usually used as a return line.
suction line regulator
Glossary “suction line regulator” Definition:
Device used to regulate the pressure in the suction line.
suction manifold
Glossary “suction manifold” Definition:
The point where vapor enters a compressor.
suction accumulator
Glossary “suction accumulator” Definition:
Term used for accumulator.
Glossary “suction” Definition:
A negative pressure.