Glossary “power supply” Definition:
Defined unit that is the source of electrical power for a device, circuit, subsystem or system.
What is power?
power take off (PTO)
Glossary “power take off (PTO)” Definition:
Output shaft found on some four-wheel drive vehicles for driving an external accessory, such as a winch or hydraulic pump.
power tools
Glossary “power tools” Definition:
Tools that use compressed air (pneumatics), electricity, or hydraulic pressure to generate and multiply the force required to accomplish the work.
power valve
Glossary “power valve” Definition:
Valve in the carburetor that opens during heavy acceleration, to increase fuel flow.
power stroke
Glossary “power stroke” Definition:
The piston stroke, with both valves closed, in which combustion takes place, forcing the piston from TDC to BDC.
power piston
Glossary “power piston” Definition:
Component acted on by pressurized fluid to assist wheel turning on integral or linkage type power steering systems.
power plant
Glossary “power plant” Definition:
An engine.
power servo
Glossary “power servo” Definition:
Servo unit used in ATC which is operated by a vacuum or an electric signal.
power stroke
Glossary “power stroke” Definition:
See combustion stroke.
power formula
Glossary “power formula” Definition:
Used to calculate the amount of electrical power a component uses. The formula is P = I x E, whereas P stands for Power in Watts, I stands for Current, and E stands for Voltage
power hop
Glossary “power hop” Definition:
Tendency of an axle housing to rotate slightly with the wheels then snap back during hard acceleration.
power mirror
Glossary “power mirror” Definition:
Outside mirrors, having reversible permanent-magnet motors, that are electrically positioned from the inside of the driver’s compartment.
power monitor
Glossary “power monitor” Definition:
Used to insure that the modules in the system do not start fueling and create power greater than demand. One module serves as a watchdog for another module.
power oversteer
Glossary “power oversteer” Definition:
Loss of traction of the rear wheels while cornering and accelerating, causing the rear of the vehicle to swing toward the outside of the turn.
power flow
Glossary “power flow” Definition:
The flow of power from the input shaft through one or more sets of gears, or through an automatic transmission to the output shaft.
power brakes
Glossary “power brakes” Definition:
System utilizing energy from the vehicle’s engine to reduce the amount of brake-pedal pressure that must be exerted by the driver to stop the car.
power cable
Glossary “power cable” Definition:
Cable used to supply electrical power (current).
power control module
Glossary “power control module” Definition:
A module or computer used to control drive the higher current output loads.
power cylinder
Glossary “power cylinder” Definition:
1). A shell containing the power-brake operating parts. 2). Linkage-type steering component attached between the frame and the steering relay rod.
power brake
Glossary “power brake” Definition:
In an A/T equipped vehicle, the act of holding the brake pedal firmly while increasing engine rpm and the transmission is in gear.