Glossary “masking tape” Definition:
Adhesive used to hold masking paper or plastic into position. It is a high tack, easy-to-tear tape.
What is masking?
masking paper
Glossary “masking paper” Definition:
Special paper designed to be used to cover body part not to be painted.
masking paper dispenser
Glossary “masking paper dispenser” Definition:
Device that automatically applies tape to one edge of the masking paper as the paper is pulled out.
masking plastic
Glossary “masking plastic” Definition:
Used just like masking paper to cover and protect parts from overspray.
masking area
Glossary “masking area” Definition:
A preparation stage in a paint shop in which the parts that are not to be painted are covered with paper and held in place with masking tape.
masking coating
Glossary “masking coating” Definition:
Also called masking liquid. It is usually a water-based sprayable material for keeping overspray off body parts.
masking cover
Glossary “masking cover” Definition:
A specially shaped cloth or plastic cover for masking specific parts.
masking machine
Glossary “masking machine” Definition:
Machine designed to feed out masking paper while applying masking tape to one edge of the paper.
Glossary “masking” Definition:
1). To cover up, as in prior to painting. 2). The modifying of intake ports with dams to redirect the air flow.