Glossary “lock up torque converter” Definition:
Converter with a friction disc that is able to lock the impeller and turbine together.
What is lock
lock washer
Glossary “lock washer” Definition:
A split-type of washer that helps prevent a bolt or nut from working loose.
lock to lock
Glossary “lock to lock” Definition:
The number of turns required to turn the from wheels from one extreme to the other.
lock up
Glossary “lock up” Definition:
1). Desireable locking up of a driving assembly or component to still another, in order to achieve straight through power application. 2), Undersireable locking up of one or more components to still another components, causing a malfunction in power flow chartacteristics.
lock pin
Glossary “lock pin” Definition:
A pin used in some ball sockets to keep the connecting nuts from working loose, and on some lower pall joints to hold the tapered stud in the steering knuckle.
lock rings
Glossary “lock rings” Definition:
Metal rings which lock one or more components, or which have notched ends which lock to each other.
lock rod
Glossary “lock rod” Definition:
The rod that connects a lock cylinder or power lock motor to the latch mechanism.
lock cylinder
Glossary “lock cylinder” Definition:
A tumbler mechanism that engages the key so that you can turn the key and disengage the latch.
lock nut
Glossary “lock nut” Definition:
1). A nut that is designed to lock when tightened or torqued. 2). A second nut that is screwed down tightly against the first nut.