Glossary “cylinder scavenging” Definition:
The process by which spent exhaust gases are removed from the cylinder prior to the arrival of fresh air and fuel. The momentum generated as the exhaust gases exit the combustion chamber are used to help draw the A/F mixture into the cylinder for only a few degrees of cankshaft rotation. This is important because left over exhaust in the combustion chamber can rob the engine of power.
What is cylinder?
cylinder sleeve
Glossary “cylinder sleeve” Definition:
Round, replaceable, cylindrical tube that fits into the cylinder bore.
cylinder leakage testing
Glossary “cylinder leakage testing” Definition:
Using compressed air applied to the cylinder through the spark plug hole while the piston is at TDC of the compression stroke. This test detects the percentage of leakage and helps to location the possible source of the leak.
cylinder liner
Glossary “cylinder liner” Definition:
A replaceable cylinder wall. Can be either a “wet” or “dry” type.
cylinder numbering
Glossary “cylinder numbering” Definition:
The order in which the cylinders are numbered; cylinder one may be on either front side of a V engine, or starting with one at the front of most in-line engines.
Cylinder Power Balance Testing
Glossary “Cylinder Power Balance Testing” Definition:
Test to determine if each cylinder is contributing the same amount of power to the turning of the crankshaft while measuring engine RPM or exhaust HC.
cylinder head gasket
Glossary “cylinder head gasket” Definition:
Gasket (usually) metal and other materials that is used to seal the mating surfaces between the engine block and the cylinder head. It must be able seal the combustion chamber, allow coolant and oil to pass through enroute to other engine components.
cylinder bore dial gauge
Glossary “cylinder bore dial gauge” Definition:
Used to rapidly and accurately determine cylinder bore out-of-round and taper. It is read in the same manner as a dial indicator is read.
cylinder combustion pressure
Glossary “cylinder combustion pressure” Definition:
Pressure in the cylinder, created from expanding gases immediately after the air/fuel mixture is ignited; about four times greater than compression pressure.
cylinder deglazing
Glossary “cylinder deglazing” Definition:
Process of removing the glaze from cylinder walls after extended use.
cylinder glaze
Glossary “cylinder glaze” Definition:
Area where the rings ride in the cylinder develops a glazed appearance.
cylinder head
Glossary “cylinder head” Definition:
Part of the engine that covers the cylinders and pistons, attached to the block or cylinder liner.
cylinder block
Glossary “cylinder block” Definition:
Fundamental framework of an engine to which all other parts and assemblies are installed or attached.
cylinder bore
Glossary “cylinder bore” Definition:
Diameter of a cylinder.
cylinder bank
Glossary “cylinder bank” Definition:
Row of cylinders.
cylinder balance test
Glossary “cylinder balance test” Definition:
Diagnostic procedure to determine the relative amount of power contributed by each cylinder with the engine running.
Glossary “cylinder” Definition:
1). A storage tank for gases, such as refrigerant. 2). The round hole(s) inside and engine block that provide space for the reciprocating piston(s).