Glossary “current limiter” Definition:
1). Section of a voltage regulator for a DC generator charging system. 2). Resistor that is placed in a circuit to control current flow in case of a short to ground.
What is current?
current ramping
Glossary “current ramping” Definition:
Diagnostic technique used to examine the change in current flow in a circuit over a specific period of time, using an inductive amps probe an a oscilloscope. Used to determine an ignition coil’s saturation point, or other electrical components that use current to produce a magnetic field.
Glossary “current” Definition:
Rate of flow of electrons through a conductor measured in amperes ( when 6.28 x 10 18 electrons pass a single point in one second, represents one ampere of current flow).
current draw test
Glossary “current draw test” Definition:
Starting system test that determines amperes required by the starter motor during phases of operation.
current carrying capacity
Glossary “current carrying capacity” Definition:
Current, in amperes, a conductor can carry continuously, under the conditions of use, without exceeding its temperature rating.