Glossary “cooling system leak test” Definition:
Test performed by installing the tester on the radiator neck, and pressurizing the cooling system. A loss of pressure or coolant indicates that there is a leak.
What is cooling
cooling system fan
Glossary “cooling system fan” Definition:
Electrically or mechanically driven rotating device, having several pitched blades to move air past a heat exchanger, such as the radiator.
cooling fan controller module
Glossary “cooling fan controller module” Definition:
Electronic unit that will cycle the cooling fan(s) ON and OFF, in response to signals from other engine sensors.
cooling method
Glossary “cooling method” Definition:
Method used to remove excess heat from an engine or system, such as air cooling or liquid cooling.
cooling system
Glossary “cooling system” Definition:
1). An air conditioner. 2). System of parts that circulates coolant through the engine to remove heat. 3). A system to remove heat from a heat-generating mechanism.
cooling coil
Glossary “cooling coil” Definition:
An evaporator, an oil cooler or auxiliary transmission oil cooler.