Glossary “battery hydrometer” Definition:
Tests the state of charge on batteries with removable cell caps. It measures the specific gravity of the battery acid (electrolyte). A specific gravity reading of 1.270 indicates that the cell is fully charge, while a reading of 1.100 indicates that the cell is discharged.
What is battery
battery maintenance
Glossary “battery maintenance” Definition:
Generally, preventative maintenance, such as visual inspection, adding water, cleaning top and terminals, tightening hold down, and testing.
battery rating methods
Glossary “battery rating methods” Definition:
There are several rating methods: cold cranking power rating, reserve capacity rating, and twenty-hour rating.
battery terminal
Glossary “battery terminal” Definition:
A means of connecting the battery to the vehicle’s electrical system. The three types of battery terminals are post or top, side, and “L.”
battery holddown
Glossary “battery holddown” Definition:
A bracket that secures the battery to the chassis of the vehicle
battery discharge
Glossary “battery discharge” Definition:
Flow of electrical current from the battery.
battery efficiency
Glossary “battery efficiency” Definition:
A battery’s ability to vary the current it delivers within a wide range, depending on the temperature and the rate of discharge.
battery element
Glossary “battery element” Definition:
1). A cell. 2). A group of positive and negative plates assembled with separators.
battery cell
Glossary “battery cell” Definition:
That part of a battery made from two dissimilar metals and an acid solution. A cell stores chemical energy for use later as electrical energy.
battery charge
Glossary “battery charge” Definition:
The restoration of chemical energy to a battery by supplying a measured flow of electrical current to it for a specified time.
battery charger
Glossary “battery charger” Definition:
Used for restoring a battery to its original state of charge by passing a current through the battery in a direction opposite of the discharge current flow.
battery charging
Glossary “battery charging” Definition:
The act of charging a battery.
battery (BAT)
Glossary “battery (BAT)” Definition:
A device for storing energy in chemical form so it can be released as electricity. It provides current for the starting system and current to all other electrical devices when the engine is not running.
battery acid
Glossary “battery acid” Definition:
An electrolyte used in a battery; a mixture of water (H2O) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4).
battery capacity
Glossary “battery capacity” Definition:
The energy output of a battery measured in amp/hours.