Glossary “weldability” Definition:
Capacity of material to be welded under the imposed fabrication conditions into a specific, suitably designed structure and to perform satisfactorily in the intended service.
welded door skin
Glossary “welded door skin” Definition:
Spot welds hold the door skin onto the door frame.
welded parts
Glossary “welded parts” Definition:
Metal or plastic parts that are permanently joined by melting the material, so that it flows together and bonds when cooled.
welded pull tabs
Glossary “welded pull tabs” Definition:
Small piece of steel plate welded onto the unibody. It is used if you need to pull where there is no place to attach a clamp.
weld undercut
Glossary “weld undercut” Definition:
A groove melted along either side of the weld and left unfilled.
weld porosity
Glossary “weld porosity” Definition:
Holes in the weld.
weld spatter
Glossary “weld spatter” Definition:
Drops of electrode on and around the weld bead.
weld throat
Glossary “weld throat” Definition:
Refers to the depth of the triangular cross section of the weld.
weld through primer
Glossary “weld through primer” Definition:
Corrosion resistanat primer applied, before welding, to mated surfaces which are undercoated, or where a zinc coating has been removed.
weld pool
Glossary “weld pool” Definition:
Localized volume of molten metal in a weld prior to its solidification as weld metal.
weld metal
Glossary “weld metal” Definition:
Portion of a fusion weld that has been completely melted during welding.
weld overlap
Glossary “weld overlap” Definition:
Excess weld metal mounted on top and to either side of a weld bead.
weld penetration
Glossary “weld penetration” Definition:
Indicated by the height of the exposed surface of the weld on the back side. It is needed to assure maximum weld strength.
weld legs
Glossary “weld legs” Definition:
The width and height of the weld bead.
weld axis
Glossary “weld axis” Definition:
Line through the length of the weld, perpendicular to and at the geometric center of its cross section.
weld bead
Glossary “weld bead” Definition:
A weld resulting from a pass.
weld crack
Glossary “weld crack” Definition:
A crack located in the weld metal or heat affected zone.
weld distortion
Glossary “weld distortion” Definition:
Uneven weld bead.
weight transfer
Glossary “weight transfer” Definition:
Momentary shift of a vehicle’s weight forward or rearward, during acceleration or deceleration
weight saver spare tire
Glossary “weight saver spare tire” Definition:
Compact spare tire.