Glossary “VBPWR” Definition:
Vehicle Buffered Power. PCM supplied power source that supplies regulated voltage.
Glossary “VCC” Definition:
Viscous Converter Clutch, or Vacuum Cut Control Soleniod.
Glossary “VCIM” Definition:
Vehicle Communication Interface Module
Glossary “VBAT” Definition:
Vehicle Power Voltage
Glossary “VB/DV” Definition:
Vacuum Break / Delay Valve
Glossary “V-block” Definition:
1). Term sometimes used to identify a block for a V-type engine, such as a V-6. 2). An accurately machined metal block having a V-groove used for checking the out of roundness of a shaft or other device.
Glossary “VAV” Definition:
Vacuum Advance Valve
Glossary “VATS” Definition:
Vehicle Anti-Theft System
Glossary “VAT” Definition:
Vane Air Temperature. Also refers to Volt-Amp Tester, a voltage and amperage tester used to test starters and alternator under load.
Glossary “VAT-40” Definition:
Volt Amp Tester model 40 (analog)
Glossary “VAT-60” Definition:
Volt Amp Tester model 60 (digital)
variance chips
Glossary “variance chips” Definition:
Several samples of color used to help match paint color variations.
Glossary “varistor” Definition:
Semiconductor whose resistance decreases as the voltage is increased.
Glossary “varnish” Definition:
1). Coating of deposits that collect on parts; caused by oxidation and contamination of liquids; can cause binding or restriction. 2). Baked on oil and grease.
Glossary “VARV” Definition:
Vacuum Altitude Reducer Valve
variable voltage choke
Glossary “variable voltage choke” Definition:
Solid state relay which is duty cycle modulated by the processor to effect variable choke control depending on the choke degree required.
variable reluctance sensor (VRS)
Glossary “variable reluctance sensor (VRS)” Definition:
Electrical device that generates current when the magnet reluctor moves in relation to the location of the coil. The amount of current produced, varies as the reluctor move towards and then awat from the coil.
variable resistor
Glossary “variable resistor” Definition:
Resistor that provides for an infinite number of resistance values within a specific range, such as a rheostat or potentiometer.
variable speed fan
Glossary “variable speed fan” Definition:
Fan having a fluid-filled or thermostatic-actuated clutch that senses the temperature of the air coming through the radiator and adjusts its speed accordingly.
variable venturi carburetor
Glossary “variable venturi carburetor” Definition:
A carburetor having an aperture that increases or decreases in size as controlled by intake manifold vacuum and engine load.