Glossary “twin torsion bar” Definition:
A suspension system having two torsion bars, one placed above the other.
Twin Grip
Glossary “Twin Grip” Definition:
Limited-slip differential by AMC.
twin plug head
Glossary “twin plug head” Definition:
Cylinder head having provisions for two spark plugs per cylinder.
twin plug ignition system
Glossary “twin plug ignition system” Definition:
Ignition system having two distributors, two coils, and two plugs per cylinder.
Glossary “twin” Definition:
1). Two cylinder engine. 2). An identical pair.
twin cam
Glossary “twin cam” Definition:
Dual overhead camshafts.
twin I-beam
Glossary “twin I-beam” Definition:
Front suspension using two I-beams, each attached to the chassis at the end opposite the wheel, and coil spring at the wheel end.
twenty-hour rating
Glossary “twenty-hour rating” Definition:
Amount of current a battery can deliver for 24 hours at 80¡ãF without the cell voltage dropping below 1.75 volts.
twenty five ampere rate
Glossary “twenty five ampere rate” Definition:
Battery rating to indicate the time a fully charged battery at 80¡ãF can deliver 25 amperes before the cells drop to 1.75 volts.
Glossary “TWC” Definition:
Three-Way Catalyst
Glossary “TWC&COC” Definition:
Three-Way Catalyst & Conventional Oxidation Catalyst
Glossary “TWC+OC” Definition:
Three-Way Catalyst + Oxidation Converter
Glossary “TVSA” Definition:
Trapped Vacuum Spark Advance
Glossary “TVSV” Definition:
Thermostatic Vacuum Switching Valve
Glossary “TVV” Definition:
Thermostatic Vacuum Valve, or Thermal Vent Valve
Glossary “TW” Definition:
Emission Test Weight
Glossary “TVRV” Definition:
Transaxle Vacuum Reducer Valve
Glossary “TVS” Definition:
Thermostatic Vacuum Switch, or Temperature Vacuum Switch
Glossary “TVM” Definition:
Transmission Vacuum Modulator
Glossary “TVRS” Definition:
Television Radio Suspression: Resistor spark plug cables made of braided aramid fiber impregnated with carbon and rubber.