
release levers

Glossary “release levers” Definition:
Lever type, pivoting pressure-plate device in the clutch assembly that is moved by throw out bearing movement, causing the clutch-spring pressure to be relieved so the clutch is released from the flywheel.


Glossary “relay” Definition:
Electro-mechanical switch having a coil and one or more sets of points. Also called an electromagnetic switch that uses a small amount of current from its control circuit to control a larger amount of current in its power circuit.

relative compression testing

Glossary “relative compression testing” Definition:
Measuring the engines compression pressure relative to the amount of amperage required to turn the crankshaft during a cranking event. Using an engine analyzer in conjunction with an inductive amps probe. Compares the highest reading, which is assigned a value of 100%, to the other readings, which are assigned lower reading.