Glossary “pulse time” Definition:
1). The time duration from the point on the leading edge which is 50% of the maximum amplitude to a point on the trailing edge which is 50% of the maximum amplitude of the signal or wave form. 2). A term used for pulse width.
pulse modulated
Glossary “pulse modulated” Definition:
Circuit that maintains average voltage levels by pulsing the voltage on and off.
pulse period
Glossary “pulse period” Definition:
Term used for pulse width.
pulse rate
Glossary “pulse rate” Definition:
Number of pulses that take place over a specific amount of time
pulse ring
Glossary “pulse ring” Definition:
Ring on the crankshaft to trigger a sensor used to control computer ignition timing.
Pulse Air Control Valve
Glossary “Pulse Air Control Valve” Definition:
Valve which injects fresh air from the air cleaner to the exhaust manifold to control HC and CO emissions.
Pulse Air Injection Reaction System
Glossary “Pulse Air Injection Reaction System” Definition:
Pulse air directed in to the exhaust system to reduce exhaust emissions
pulse delay variable resistor
Glossary “pulse delay variable resistor” Definition:
Resistor in the electrical circuit of the wiper system used to delay the wiper motion from 0 to 25 seconds.
pulse generators
Glossary “pulse generators” Definition:
Electromagnetic unit that generates a voltage signal used to trigger the ignition control module that controls (turns on and off) the primary ignition current of an electronic ignition system.
Glossary “pulley” Definition:
Wheel shaped, belt-driven device used to drive engine accessories.
Glossary “pulsation” Definition:
Surge that may be felt in the brake pedal during low-pressure braking.
Glossary “pulse” Definition:
Common waveform shape that has a fast rising edge, a width, and a fast falling edge.
Glossary “puller” Definition:
Shop tool used to separate two closely fitted parts without damage. Often contains a screw, or several screws, which can beturned to apply a gradual force.
pulling adapters
Glossary “pulling adapters” Definition:
Special straightening equipment accessories that allow you to pull in difficult situations.
pulling clamps
Glossary “pulling clamps” Definition:
They bolt around or onto the vehicle, so a pulling hain can be attached to the vehicle.
pulling equipment
Glossary “pulling equipment” Definition:
Uses hydraulic power to force the body structure or frame back into position.
pulling post
Glossary “pulling post” Definition:
Strong steel members used to hold the pulling chains and hydraulic rams. Also known as towers.
pull welding
Glossary “pull welding” Definition:
You aim or angle the gun back towards the weld puddle.
Glossary “pulldown” Definition:
Term used for pumpdown or evacuate a system
pull rod
Glossary “pull rod” Definition:
Body working tool in which the curved end of the rod is inserted into the drilled hole to pull out dents.