Glossary “order of vibration” Definition:
Number of times a vibration occurs during one complete cycle.
optical horn
Glossary “optical horn” Definition:
Chrysler term for a flash to pass dimmer switch feature.
Glossary “or” Definition:
orange peel
Glossary “orange peel” Definition:
A natural occurrence in refinishing in which the resulting finish has uneven formations on the suface similar to those of the skin of an orange. A certain amount of orange peel is normal and acceptable. Coarse or roughorange peel is unacceptable and is caused by improoper refinish techniques and/or practices that need to be corrected.
Glossary “ORC” Definition:
Occupant Restraint Controller
Glossary “opng” Definition:
Acronym form of Opening
opposed engine
Glossary “opposed engine” Definition:
An engine with cylinder banks at 180 degrees, such as the VW flat four.
Glossary “OPR MD” Definition:
Operating Mode
opitcal device
Glossary “opitcal device” Definition:
Device which uses light and a light sensor.
operational test
Glossary “operational test” Definition:
Term used for performance test.
operational specifications
Glossary “operational specifications” Definition:
Specifications used to show how the vehicle operates, such as acceleration, tire inflation, and other general information.
opening ramp
Glossary “opening ramp” Definition:
Part of the cam lobe that does the actual opening of the valve.
operating angle
Glossary “operating angle” Definition:
The difference between the drive shaft and transmission installation angles is the operating angle.
operational control valve
Glossary “operational control valve” Definition:
Used to control the flow of compressed air through the brake system.
open loop
Glossary “open loop” Definition:
Mode of computer operation in which fuel delivery calculations and idle speed are based primarily on preprogrammed values, not O2 sensor input. O2 sensor value is not used during Open Loop.
open loop strategy
Glossary “open loop strategy” Definition:
System operation which has only commands, but no feedback.
open structural member
Glossary “open structural member” Definition:
Flat body panel having an open access from the rear.
open system
Glossary “open system” Definition:
Crankcase emission control system having no tube from the crankcase to the air cleaner; drawing air through the oil filter cap only.
Glossary “opened” Definition:
Refers to a disconnected electrical circuit.
open end spring
Glossary “open end spring” Definition:
A coil spring having its end loops apart from the spring coils.