Glossary “ozone depletion” Definition:
Reduction of the ozone layer due to contamination, such as the release of CFC refrigerants into the atmosphere.
Glossary “oxygenate” Definition:
In the petroleum industry a term used to denote octane components containing hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen in their molecular structure. Includes ethers such as MTBE and ETBE as well as alcohols such as ethanol and methanol.
oxygenated gasoline
Glossary “oxygenated gasoline” Definition:
Gasoline containing oxygenates such as ethanol or MTBE. Provides chemical enleanment of the A/F charge thereby improving combustion and reducing tailpipe emissions of CO.
Glossary “oxygenerator” Definition:
Term used for oxidizer.
Glossary “ozone” Definition:
1). Unstable pale-blue gas (O3), which is formed by the exposure of O2 to an electrical discharge or a reaction in sunlight. It has a penetrating and/or pungent odor and has a strong oxidizing effect. In the upper atmosphere, ozone protects the earth from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Though beneficial in the upper atmosphere, at ground level, ozone is a respiratory irritant and considered a pollutant. 2). Unstable molecule of oxygen with three atoms of oxygen instead of the normal two. Ozone oxidizes other elements and compounds by giving up its extra atom of oxygen easily.
oxygen cutting
Glossary “oxygen cutting” Definition:
Process of cutting metal at a high temperature with the chemical reaction of oxygen.
oxygen pressure
Glossary “oxygen pressure” Definition:
Pressure leaving the oxygen pressure regulator of oxyacetylene welding outfit. Typically ranges from from 5 to 30 psi.
oxygen sensor
Glossary “oxygen sensor” Definition:
Device found in the exhaust manifold, which generates a small voltage dependent on the amount of oxygen present in the exhaust stream, used as a signal to the engine-control computer to determine the amount of fuel necessary to maintain a proper air/fuel ratio.
oxyfuels mandate
Glossary “oxyfuels mandate” Definition:
(Oxygenated Fuels Mandate) Common term used for a regulatory program that requires the addition of oxygenates (alcohols or ethers) to fuels during certain months to reduce tailpipe emissions of carbon monoxide.
oxygen (O2)
Glossary “oxygen (O2)” Definition:
A colorless, gaseous, tasteless element (O) that makes up 21% of the atmosphere.
oxyacetylene welding
Glossary “oxyacetylene welding” Definition:
An oxyfuel gas welding process that uses acetylene as the fuel gas.
oxyfuel gas welding
Glossary “oxyfuel gas welding” Definition:
A group of welding precesses, with or without a filler metal, that produces a merger of work pieces by heating them with an oxyfuel gas flame.
Glossary “oxidize” Definition:
To form an oxide.
Glossary “oxidizer” Definition:
1). Material that caused oxidation. 2). An additive that increases the oxygen content of an air/fuel mixture. 3). A materail which may cause the ignition of combustible material without the aid of an external source of ignition or which, when mixed with combustible materials, increases the rate of burning of those materials when the mixtures are ignited.
oxidizing agent
Glossary “oxidizing agent” Definition:
The same as oxidizer.
oxidizing flame
Glossary “oxidizing flame” Definition:
An oxyfuel gas flame in which there is an excess of oxygen, resulting in metal vaporization.
Glossary “OXS” Definition:
Oxygen Sensor Indicator
oxidation reaction
Glossary “oxidation reaction” Definition:
Chemical reaction in which electrons are added to a compound, such as when oxygen molecules combine with other molecules to form a new compound.
Glossary “oxide” Definition:
Compound formed when a substance combines with oxygen.
oxides of nitrogen (NOx)
Glossary “oxides of nitrogen (NOx)” Definition:
Harmful, gaseous emissions of an engine composed of compounds of nitrogen and varying amounts of oxygen which are formed at the higher temperatures of combustion. Formed at 2,500¡ãF.