Glossary “NOx” Definition:
1). Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx), when combined with HC in the presents of sun light, forms photochemical smog. Note do not confuse NOx with nitrous oxide (N2O)
Glossary “nozzle” Definition:
The orifice or jet through which fuel passes when it is discharged into the carburetor bore.
nose circle
Glossary “nose circle” Definition:
An imaginary circle that can be drawn on the profile of a cam lobe that intersects the very top of the lobe. It is the highest point on the cam lobe in relation to the valvetrain.
nose plug
Glossary “nose plug” Definition:
A threaded, tapered plug used to repair cracks in the engine cylinder head and block.
Glossary “north-south” Definition:
Placing an engine longitudinally in a vehicle, as in most front engined, rear-drive vehicles.
Glossary “NOS” Definition:
Nitrous Oxide Systems, or New Old Stock.
Glossary “N.O.S.” Definition:
Not Otherwise Specified. Used for shipping hazardous materials if the material is not specifically listed in the DOT Hazardous Materials Table.
Glossary “nose” Definition:
1). Front end of a vehicle. 2). The uppermost part of a camshaft lobe. 3). Forward most part of a crankshaft.
normal wear pattern
Glossary “normal wear pattern” Definition:
Wear pattern of a part or assembly that is normal or expected.
Glossary “normalize” Definition:
Process of heating metal to its normalizing temperature, holding it there for one hour for each inch of thickness, and allowing it to cool in the open air. Normalizing removes internal stresses in the metal.
normally aspirated
Glossary “normally aspirated” Definition:
Engine that is not equipped with a forced means of inducing air.
normally closed (nc)
Glossary “normally closed (nc)” Definition:
Term referring to a device, such as an electrical switch, that is closed in its normal position.
normally open (no)
Glossary “normally open (no)” Definition:
Term referring to a device such as an electrical switch, that is open in its normal position.
normal evacuation
Glossary “normal evacuation” Definition:
An evacuation to remove air and moisture from a system with only one pump down.
nonparallel drive shaft
Glossary “nonparallel drive shaft” Definition:
A drive shaft with working angles of equal length; the companion flanges and/or yokes are not parallel.
nonsynchronized mode
Glossary “nonsynchronized mode” Definition:
A mode of operation on a throttle body, fuel-injection system in which the injector is pulsed every 12.6 milliseconds, independent of a distributor reference pulse.
nonvolatile RAM
Glossary “nonvolatile RAM” Definition:
RAM that will retain its memory if battery voltage is disconnected.
NOR gate (or NOR logic gate)
Glossary “NOR gate (or NOR logic gate)” Definition:
In computers, a logic circuit that is a negative OR gate. It is an OR gate with an inverter on it’s output.
nonfriction modified
Glossary “nonfriction modified” Definition:
ATF without friction modification agents.
nonintegrated ABS
Glossary “nonintegrated ABS” Definition:
Antilock brake system in which the ABS hydraulic components are attached to, but separate from, the normal brake hydraulic system and power booster.