Glossary “moving vehicle resistance” Definition:
Measure of the air resistance of an auto body design.
Glossary “MPA” Definition:
Managed Pulse Air
Glossary “MPC” Definition:
Manifold Pressure Controlled fuel injection system. System which determines engine load based upon intake manifold pressure.
mounting grommet
Glossary “mounting grommet” Definition:
1). Replaceable rubber bushings used at both ends of the shocks for mounting to reduce the transfer of sounds and jarring motions between the shocks and their mounting points on the vehicle. 2). Reinforced eyelet through which a fastener is attached.
mounting position
Glossary “mounting position” Definition:
Position at which a device is mounted, such as horizontal or vertical.
motorized seal belt
Glossary “motorized seal belt” Definition:
An automatic seat belt that is applied to an occupant and pre-tensioned by a motor-driven mechanism.
Glossary “Motronic” Definition:
A Bosch electronic fuel-injection and ignition-management system.
Glossary “mottling” Definition:
Dark-shaded or off-color areas or streaks within a paint finish.
mount and drive
Glossary “mount and drive” Definition:
Pulleys, mounting plates, belts, and fittings necessary to mount a compressor and clutch or any other engine driven assembly on an engine.
Glossary “mounts” Definition:
Made of rubber to insulate vibrations and noise while they support a powertrain part, such as an engine or transmission mount.
motor octane number (MON)
Glossary “motor octane number (MON)” Definition:
Term used for octane number.
motor oil
Glossary “motor oil” Definition:
Lubricant expressly formulated for use in an engine.
motor vehicle
Glossary “motor vehicle” Definition:
A machine, usually on rubber tires, that is propelled by means other than muscle power, and which does not operate on rails.
Motor Vehicle Manufactures Association (MVMA)
Glossary “Motor Vehicle Manufactures Association (MVMA)” Definition:
A trade association of the major automobile and truck manufactures in the United States.
motor mounts
Glossary “motor mounts” Definition:
Supports made of hard rubber for the engine and transmission to be secured to the vehicles frame.
MOS transistor
Glossary “MOS transistor” Definition:
Metal Oxide Semiconductor: used as a field-effect transistor, made from a sandwich of metal for a gate, which contains the source and drain.
Glossary “MOSFET” Definition:
Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor
Glossary “motor” Definition:
Device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy, such as a fan motor.
Motor and Equipment Manufacturers Association (MEMA)
Glossary “Motor and Equipment Manufacturers Association (MEMA)” Definition:
An association of manufacturers of automotive aftermarket parts, original equipment parts, tools, chemicals, and other products.
motor home
Glossary “motor home” Definition:
A self-contained vehicle built on a bus or truck chassis containing a driver’s compartment and complete living facilities.