Glossary “low force compression valve spring” Definition:
Type of valve spring that needs less force to compress the spring and open the valve. Usually found on engines with low lift camshafts and used to keep friction losses to a minimum.
low beam
Glossary “low beam” Definition:
Headlamp intensity, use when meeting or following another vehicle.
low end
Glossary “low end” Definition:
Low engine speed.
low end power
Glossary “low end power” Definition:
Engine horsepower output during the first 25-30% of engine rpm range.
loose roller clutch
Glossary “loose roller clutch” Definition:
One-way clutch which has the rollers individually placed between the cam and race, not located by a gauge.
Glossary “LOS” Definition:
Limited Operation Strategy, or Loss Of Signal
lost foam casting
Glossary “lost foam casting” Definition:
Casting method using a model part made of styrofoam.
Glossary “Lotus” Definition:
Lots Of Trouble, Usually Serious
Glossary “louvers” Definition:
Slotted openings in a hood or body panel to admit, emit ambient air or light.
Glossary “LOOP” Definition:
Indicates OPEN or CLOSED loop status.
loop scavenging
Glossary “loop scavenging” Definition:
Method used to remove the exhaust gases from the cylinder in a two-stroke engine.
Glossary “loops” Definition:
Formed eyelets with minimal gaps at the ends of extension springs.
Glossary “loose” Definition:
1). The tendency of a vehicle to oversteer. 2). Parts that are worn and do not fit properly.
longitudinal braking system
Glossary “longitudinal braking system” Definition:
Operates the front and rear brakes separately.
look up table
Glossary “look up table” Definition:
The part of a microprocessor’s memory that indicates how a system should operate under different conditions.
lookup tables
Glossary “lookup tables” Definition:
A computers program, or set of instructions. One set of lookup tables is common to all vehicles of the same model year and is located in the ROM memory location while, another set of lookup tables is used for specific engine calibrations and is located in the PROM.
longest leaf
Glossary “longest leaf” Definition:
Term used for the main leaf.
Glossary “LONGFT” Definition:
Long Term Fuel Trim
Glossary “LONGFT1” Definition:
Current BANK 1 fuel trim adjustment (kamref1) from stoichiometry which is considered LONG TERM. Displayed in %.
Glossary “LONGFT2” Definition:
Current BANK 2 fuel trim adjustment (kamref1) from stoichiometry which is considered LONG TERM. Displayed in %.