Glossary “hydraulic brakes” Definition:
Braking system using hydraulic pressure to press the brake shoes against the brake drums.
hydraulic clutch
Glossary “hydraulic clutch” Definition:
Clutch that is actuated by hydraulic pressure.
hybrid battery
Glossary “hybrid battery” Definition:
Battery that combines the advantages of both the low maintenance and the maintenance-free battery.
hybrid vehicle
Glossary “hybrid vehicle” Definition:
Vehicle that uses more than one type of energy for its power.
Glossary “H-valve” Definition:
A/C expansion valve used on some Chrysler and Ford car lines.
Glossary “HVLP” Definition:
High Volume, Low Pressure. Equipment used to spray a coating by means of a gun that operates between 0.1 and 10 psi air pressure.
Glossary “hybrid” Definition:
1). Vehicle having two separate propulsion systems, such as a gasoline engine and an electric motor. 2). Vehicle having its major components from more than one source, such as a Ford engine in a Chevrolet chassis.
Glossary “HVAC” Definition:
Heater ventilation and air conditioning
Glossary “Humvee” Definition:
High Mobility Multipurpose-Wheeled Vehicle.
Glossary “hunting” Definition:
Tendency of a system to oscillate around its normal position. The involuntary and unsatisfactory rapid upshifting and downshifting of a transmission at a given speed.
hunting gear set
Glossary “hunting gear set” Definition:
When a pinion gear tooth will move around until it has come in contact with all of the ring gear teeth.
hunting shift
Glossary “hunting shift” Definition:
Tendency of an automatic transmission to upshift, downshift, and upshift rapidly.
Glossary “hum” Definition:
Interference from ac power, normally audible and of low frequency. A low-pitch noise often accompanied by a vibration felt in the floor pan.
human-powered vehicle (HPV)
Glossary “human-powered vehicle (HPV)” Definition:
Any vehicle powered by the operator, such as a bicycle.
Glossary “humid” Definition:
Glossary “humidity” Definition:
Actual moisture content of the air in relation to the total moisture that the air can hold at a given temperature.
Glossary “Hummer” Definition:
Term used for Humvee.
hubbed drum
Glossary “hubbed drum” Definition:
Brake drum that is mounted on a hub.
Glossary “HUD” Definition:
Heads Up Display
Glossary “hue” Definition:
An excitation of the sense of sight created by beams of light that allow humans to distinguish one color shade from another.