Glossary “hydrochlorofluorocarbon” Definition:
A group of refrigerants that contain the chlorine (CI) atom and the hydrogen (H) atom, which causes the chlorine atom to dissipate mor rapidly in the atmosphere.
hydrocarbon emissions
Glossary “hydrocarbon emissions” Definition:
Term used for exhaust emissions or unburned hydrocarbons.
Glossary “hydro” Definition:
1). Term used for hydraulics. 2). Term used for hydraulic valve lifter. 3). Short term for hydromatic, a transmission built by General Motors.
hydro cam
Glossary “hydro cam” Definition:
Camshaft especially designed to operate with hydraulic valve lifters.
Glossary “hydro-boost” Definition:
Type of brake power booster that uses hydraulic pressure provided by the power steering pump to reduce pedal effort and provide assist.
hydrocarbon (HC)
Glossary “hydrocarbon (HC)” Definition:
A compound containing hydrogen (H) and carbon (C), such as gasoline.
Glossary “hydrazine” Definition:
Highly explosive jet fuel sometimes used as an additive fuel for drag racing.
hydraulic press
Glossary “hydraulic press” Definition:
Piece of shop equipment that develops high forces using a hydraulic cylinder that is mounted to the fixture. Used to press parts on and off.
hydraulic pressure
Glossary “hydraulic pressure” Definition:
Pressure exerted through the medium of a liquid.
hydraulic principles
Glossary “hydraulic principles” Definition:
Use of a liquid under pressure to transfer force or motion, or to increase an applied force.
hydraulic valve lifter
Glossary “hydraulic valve lifter” Definition:
Device using oil pressure to adjust its length and maintain zero valve clearance so that the valve noise is at a minimum. Also referred to as hydro.
Glossary “hydraulics” Definition:
1). The study of liquids and their use to transmit force and motion. 2). Hydraulic ram units, installed in a low rider at each suspension point, to lower or raise the ride height. 3). The science or technology of the static or dynamic application of fluids in a closed or confined area. Also referred to as hydro.
hydraulic fluid reservoir
Glossary “hydraulic fluid reservoir” Definition:
A part of a master cylinder assembly (both brake and clutch, if equipped) that hold reserve hydraulic fluid.
hydraulic lever
Glossary “hydraulic lever” Definition:
Means to multiply force using additional stages of mechanical leverage.
hydraulic lifter
Glossary “hydraulic lifter” Definition:
Valve lifter located between the camshaft and pushrod that uses internal oil pressure to cause the lifter to expand lengthwise.
hydraulic lifter leak down
Glossary “hydraulic lifter leak down” Definition:
Hydraulic leakage between between the lifter plunger and body. It allows for heat expansion in the valvetrain parts and helps reduce lifter pump-up during valve float.
hydraulic modulator
Glossary “hydraulic modulator” Definition:
Part of an antilock brake system that controls the application of hydraulic pressure to each wheel during a antilock brake condition.
Glossary “hyd” Definition:
Acronym form of Hydraulic
Glossary “Hydra” Definition:
Glossary “hydraulic” Definition:
Equipment operated by oil under pressure.