Glossary “fuel quality test” Definition:
Test that can determine if excessive alcohol is present in the fuel.
Glossary “FUELPW” Definition:
Fuel Pulse Width
Glossary “FUELPW1” Definition:
Injector Pulse Width Bank 1
fuel nozzle
Glossary “fuel nozzle” Definition:
Discharge tube in the carburetor through which fuel passes from the float bowl into the passing air stream whithin in the venturi
fuel pressure regulator control valve
Glossary “fuel pressure regulator control valve” Definition:
Solenoid valve that controls the amount of vacuum applied to the fuel pressure regulator.
fuel pump
Glossary “fuel pump” Definition:
Mechanical or electrical device used to move fuel from the fuel tank to the carburetor or injectors.
fuel pump eccentric
Glossary “fuel pump eccentric” Definition:
Usually bolted to the front of the camshaft, that is used to operate a mechanical fuel pump.
Fuel Pump Inertia Switch
Glossary “Fuel Pump Inertia Switch” Definition:
An N/C switch that will open if the vehicle is involved in an impact at speeds over 5 MPH or rolls over.
fuel map
Glossary “fuel map” Definition:
Chart to show the relationship of engine rpm, fuel flow, engine load and ignition for a particular engine.
Glossary “FUEL-MD” Definition:
Fuel Operating Mode
fuel metering
Glossary “fuel metering” Definition:
Controlling the A/F mixture entering the combustion chamber.
fuel log
Glossary “fuel log” Definition:
Manifold that delivers fuel to two or more carburetors.
fuel hose
Glossary “fuel hose” Definition:
Term used for fuel line.
fuel injection (FI)
Glossary “fuel injection (FI)” Definition:
Term used for fuel-injection system.
fuel injection system
Glossary “fuel injection system” Definition:
System that sprays fuel under pressure into the intake manifold or directly into the cylinder intake ports, allowing more precise control of the air/fuel mixture for improved performance, fuel economy, and reduced exhaust emissions.
fuel injector
Glossary “fuel injector” Definition:
Mechanical or electro-mechanical device that meters fuel into an engine.
fuel line
Glossary “fuel line” Definition:
Rubber or metal lines that carry fuel from the fuel tank to the carburetor or injectorand return fuel not used by the injectors.
fuel fouled plug
Glossary “fuel fouled plug” Definition:
Term used for carbon-fouled plugs.
fuel gas
Glossary “fuel gas” Definition:
A gas, such as acetylene, natural gas, or hydrogen, normally used with oxygen in an oxyfuel process, and for heating.
fuel gauge
Glossary “fuel gauge” Definition:
Gauge that indicates the amount of fuel remaining in the tank.