Glossary “FVCS” Definition:
Fuel Vapor Canister Solenoid
Glossary “FVCV” Definition:
Fuel Vapor Canister Valve
Glossary “FVS” Definition:
Fuel Vapor Solenoid
Glossary “FWD” Definition:
Front Wheel Drive.
Glossary “FYI” Definition:
For Your Information
fusible link
Glossary “fusible link” Definition:
Type of fuse that will melt and open the protected circuit in the event of a short circuit. Most fusible links are actually wires, four gauge sizes smaller than the wire of the circuit being protected and covered with a Hypolan insulation.
Glossary “fusion” Definition:
The melting and flowing together of two pieces of metal during welding.
fusion welding
Glossary “fusion welding” Definition:
Joining different pieces of metal together by melting and fusing them into each other.
fuse link
Glossary “fuse link” Definition:
Term used for fusible link.
fuse rating
Glossary “fuse rating” Definition:
The amount of current flow that causes the fuse to blow. They are rated in amps. Some types are color coded to indicate their current ratings.
fuse wire
Glossary “fuse wire” Definition:
1). Wire made of an alloy that melts at a low temperature. 2). Term used for fusible link.
fuse block
Glossary “fuse block” Definition:
Enclosure that contains the fuses and circuit breakers for the electrical circuits of a vehicle.
fuse box
Glossary “fuse box” Definition:
Holds various circuit fuses, breakers and flasher units.
Glossary “fume” Definition:
Airborne dispersion of minute particles, a byproduct of heating a solid, that may produce an oxide of the solid.
Glossary “functionality” Definition:
Term associated with comprehensive component testing in which output from the engine controller can be verified by monitoring specific input signals from other components for expected change.
Glossary “funnel” Definition:
Used when pouring liquids from a container into a smaller opening.
furnace brazing
Glossary “furnace brazing” Definition:
Welding process used to repair complex cast-iron castings.
Glossary “fuse” Definition:
1). Circuit protection device that opens a circuit when the fusible element is severed by heat, due to an exceessive current passing through it. 2). To join two pieces of metal by bonding them together.
full wave rectifier
Glossary “full wave rectifier” Definition:
Circuit which convert both alternations of an input ac voltage to dc output voltage.
full wet coat
Glossary “full wet coat” Definition:
A heavy, glossy coat applied over a tack coat. It makes the paint lay down smooth and shiny.