Glossary “expansion tube” Definition:
Metering device used at the inlet of some evaporators to control the flow of liquid refrigerant into the evaporator core.
expansion valve
Glossary “expansion valve” Definition:
Term used for the thermostatic expansion valve in an A/C system.
experimental safety vehicle (ESV)
Glossary “experimental safety vehicle (ESV)” Definition:
Prototype vehicle used to test and evaluate specific safety features.
explosion-proof cabinet
Glossary “explosion-proof cabinet” Definition:
Cabinet used in the automotive shop to store gasoline and other flammable liquids.
explosive limits
Glossary “explosive limits” Definition:
The amounts of vapor which form explosive mixtures. Expressed as “lower explosive limits” and “upper explosive limits”. These give the range of vapor concentrations in air which will explode if heat is added. Explosive limits are expressed as percentage of vapor in air.
Glossary “expansion” Definition:
An increase in volume. For example, when a metal rod is heated it increases in length and perhaps also in diameter, expansion is the opposite of contraction.
expansion control
Glossary “expansion control” Definition:
Grinding of a piston in a slightly oval shape so that it becomes round when it expands with heat.
expansion plug
Glossary “expansion plug” Definition:
Term used for core plug.
expansion tank
Glossary “expansion tank” Definition:
1). Coolant-recovery tank. 2). An auxiliary tank, usually connected to the inlet tank or a radiator, that provides additional storage space for heated coolant.
Glossary “exothermic” Definition:
Chemical reaction, such as combustion, that gives off heat.
exhaust pipe
Glossary “exhaust pipe” Definition:
Pipe that connects the exhaust manifold, the muffler, or catalytic converter.
exhaust port
Glossary “exhaust port” Definition:
Opening in the head or block that allows the burned gases to leave the engine.
exhaust pressure
Glossary “exhaust pressure” Definition:
The pressure in the cylinder at the end of its combustion stroke.
exhaust stroke
Glossary “exhaust stroke” Definition:
Upward motion of the piston forcing burned gases out the open exhaust valve.
exhaust system
Glossary “exhaust system” Definition:
Tubing, mufflers, and catalytic converters that direct exhaust gases from the engine to the atmosphere.
exhaust valve
Glossary “exhaust valve” Definition:
Valve that, upon opening, allows the burned gases to leave the combustion chamber during the exhaust stroke.
exhaust gas speed
Glossary “exhaust gas speed” Definition:
Speed at which exhaust gases pass through the header pipes, usually at about 200-300 feet (61-91 meters) per second at WOT.
exhaust headers
Glossary “exhaust headers” Definition:
1). Term used for exhaust manifold. 2). A special exhaust manifold with tubes of equal length from the exhaust ports to the header of the exhaust system.
Exhaust Heat Control Valve (EHCV)
Glossary “Exhaust Heat Control Valve (EHCV)” Definition:
A valve which routes hot exhaust gases to the intake manifold heat riser during cold engine operation.
exhaust manifold
Glossary “exhaust manifold” Definition:
Component, generally of cast iron, with passages of unequal lengths that carry the exhaust gases from the exhaust ports to the header of the exhaust system.