Glossary “EMI” Definition:
Electro-Magnetic Interference “NOISE”
Glossary “emiss” Definition:
Acronym for Emission
Glossary “emission” Definition:
1). Release of free electrons from the surface or a material. 2). Any gas or vapor emitted from a vehicle.
emission standards
Glossary “emission standards” Definition:
Federal government established emission and pollutant standards for all motor vehicles.
emission test weight (TW)
Glossary “emission test weight (TW)” Definition:
Vehicle weight that is used by test sites to load the dynamometer during emissions testing.
Glossary “emissions” Definition:
Unwanted, harmful chemicals and chemical compounds that are released into the atmosphere from a vehicle, especially from the tailpipe, crankcase, and fuel tank including unburned hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, particulates, and sulfur.
emergency brake system
Glossary “emergency brake system” Definition:
Brake system used for stopping a vehicle in the event of a malfunction; a means of operation and controlling the service brake system.
emery paper
Glossary “emery paper” Definition:
Abrasive coated paper or cloth used for fine finishing. Also called emery cloth
Glossary “EMF” Definition:
Electro-Motive Force
Glossary “EMCC” Definition:
Electronically Modulated Converter Clutch
Glossary “embedability” Definition:
Ability of a bearing to permit small dirt particles to sink into the bearing surface, thereby avoiding certain crankshaft scratches.
emblem adhesive
Glossary “emblem adhesive” Definition:
Designed to hold hard plastic and metal parts. It is also referred to as plastic adhesive.
embossed gasket
Glossary “embossed gasket” Definition:
Shim type head gasket having a raised surface.
Glossary “embrittlement” Definition:
Condition whereby a part becomes hard and brittle due to excessive flexing.
Glossary “EMC” Definition:
Electro-Magnetic Compatibility
elephant foot
Glossary “elephant foot” Definition:
Valve adjustment screw having a ball that swivels when it contacts the valve stem.
elliptical spring
Glossary “elliptical spring” Definition:
Term used for leaf spring.
Glossary “elongation” Definition:
Stretching of a material.
Glossary “ELU” Definition:
Electrical Load Unit
electrostatic field
Glossary “electrostatic field” Definition:
The electrical field of force surrounding an object that has an electrical charge.