Glossary “EP lube” Definition:
Term used for Extreme Pressure lubricant.
Glossary “EPA” Definition:
Environmental Protection Agency. Establishes and enforces regulations to protect and preserve the physical environment, best known for regulations related to air, water and land quality.
Glossary “EPC” Definition:
Electronic Pressure Control Solenoid Displayed in kPa/psi.
Glossary “EPCRA” Definition:
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act. A free-standing law enacted to encourage and support emergency planning efforts at state and local levels, and to provide information concerning potential chemical hazards present in a community.
Glossary “EPCV” Definition:
Electronic Pressure Control Volts, or Transmission Line Pressure Control Voltage
Glossary “EPIC” Definition:
Electronic Programmable Injection Control
Glossary “EOTV” Definition:
Engine Oil Temperature Input Voltage Displayed as Volts.
Glossary “EP” Definition:
Extreme Pressure, or Exhaust Purging
EP additives
Glossary “EP additives” Definition:
Extreme Pressure additives added to lubricants wear or damage between metal surfaces.
Glossary “EOTF” Definition:
Engine Oil Temperature Fault Detection Displayed as Yes/No.
Glossary “EOL” Definition:
End of Line. System designed specifically for use at assembly plants to make sure all new vehicles conform to design specification.
Glossary “EONV” Definition:
Engine Off Natural Vacuum, GM’s new ODB-II compliant scheme monitors EVAP system pressures while the engine is off, hence the term “Engine Off Natural Vacuum”. Introduced in 2003.
Glossary “EOS” Definition:
Exhaust Oxygen Sensor
Glossary “EOT” Definition:
Engine Oil Temperature Displayed in Degrees.
enhanced area (nonattainment)
Glossary “enhanced area (nonattainment)” Definition:
Geographic areas classified by the EPA as having high or severe air quality (pollution) problems.
enhanced testing
Glossary “enhanced testing” Definition:
One of several terms applied to a modified testing program.
Glossary “enleanment” Definition:
The act of reducing fuel delivery to the air-fuel mixture to create a leaner A/F mixture.
Glossary “enrichment” Definition:
The act of adding fuel delivery to the air-fuel mixture to create a richer mixture
Environmental Protections Agency (EPA)
Glossary “Environmental Protections Agency (EPA)” Definition:
An agency of the United States government charged with the responsibility of protecting the environment and enforcing the Clean Air Act of 1990. See EPA
English-Metric conversion chart
Glossary “English-Metric conversion chart” Definition:
Allows you to convert from English to metric or from metric to English values.