Glossary “data” Definition:
Information specifically in digital format that is operated on by the micro possessor and produces an output.
data base
Glossary “data base” Definition:
Any collection of data organized for accessing and retrieving
dark current
Glossary “dark current” Definition:
Small leakage current that flows through a photosensitive device in the absence of light.
darlington pair
Glossary “darlington pair” Definition:
Two transistors electrically connected to form an amplifier permitting a small amount of current flow to control a larger current flow ( an electronic relay). Named for Sidney Darlington, at Bell Laboratories.
Glossary “dash” Definition:
Term for dashboard.
dash lamp
Glossary “dash lamp” Definition:
Any of the dash-mounted warning lamps that are used to display diagnostic trouble codes.
Glossary “dashboard” Definition:
Interior component immediately behind the windshield that houses the instruments, accessory controls, and glove box.
damper assembly
Glossary “damper assembly” Definition:
Device designed to decrease vibrations to the passenger compartment.
Glossary “DAQ” Definition:
Division of Air Quality
dampening ball joint
Glossary “dampening ball joint” Definition:
Term used for non-load bearing ball joint.
dampening effect
Glossary “dampening effect” Definition:
Effect shocks have on reducing suspension/spring oscillations after a jounce or rebound..
Glossary “damper” Definition:
1). Old term for Shock Absorber. 2). Friction or hydraulic shock absorbers or the equivalent electronic device. 3). Device that reduces or eliminates vibration or oscillations. 3). Balancer on the front of the crank shaft to reduce or eliminate vibrations caused by the rotating mass. Flywheels may also be used for this purpose.
Glossary “dam” Definition:
1). Acronym for Diversity Antenna Module (GM). 2). The sealing provisions located between the radiator and condenser to ensure adequate ambient and ram air through both components. 3). Weatherstripe or body flange used to divert water flow away from body openings.
damage appraiser
Glossary “damage appraiser” Definition:
Term used for estimator.
dampened hub
Glossary “dampened hub” Definition:
Clutch hubs with torsional dampers that are eithercoil springs or rubber positioned between the clutch hub and clutch plate to absorb shock during engagement.
dampened pressure switch
Glossary “dampened pressure switch” Definition:
Electrical pressure switch that opens the compressor clutch circuit when the low-side pressure is too low.
Glossary “DAA” Definition:
Digital Audio Amplifier Module (Chrysler)
Glossary “DAC” Definition:
Digital to Analog Converter.
Glossary “D” Definition:
Acronym for Drive; gear selection or position of an A/T/
Glossary “D-1” Definition:
Low forward-driving range of an A/T.