Glossary “deep cycle battery” Definition:
Battery design to maintain maximum current flow as its charge decreases. It can withstand repeated deep discharge and recharge cycles without damage to the plates.
deep cycling
Glossary “deep cycling” Definition:
Condition where a battery is completely discharged before it is recharged.
deep dish wheel
Glossary “deep dish wheel” Definition:
A wheel with an extremely positive offset.
deep rolled fillets
Glossary “deep rolled fillets” Definition:
Transition radius between a journal and the cheeks of a crankshaft.
Glossary “def” Definition:
Acronym form of Defroster, or Deflector
Glossary “default” Definition:
Value or setting that a device or program automatically selects if you do not specify a subroutine or value.
Glossary “decoke” Definition:
Term for decarbonize.
Glossary “decomposition” Definition:
Breaking down on a chemical.
dedicated bench
Glossary “dedicated bench” Definition:
Strong, flat work surface to which fixtures are attached.
Glossary “deck” Definition:
1). The flat, mating surfaces of an engine block and head. 2). The trunk of a passenger car. 3). To machine an engine block deck flat.
deck lid
Glossary “deck lid” Definition:
The trunk door, or cover.
deck plate
Glossary “deck plate” Definition:
Heavy metal plate that is bolted to an engine block during cylinder-honing operations to elimination distortion.
declutching fan
Glossary “declutching fan” Definition:
Engine cooling fan system, mounted on the water pump, having a temperature-sensitive device that governs or limits terminal speed. May be temperature or rpm controlled.
deceleration valve
Glossary “deceleration valve” Definition:
Device used with the dual-diaphragm vacuum-advance, to advance engine timing under deceleration conditions.
decentralized test facility
Glossary “decentralized test facility” Definition:
Emission testing which is performed at test and reapir facilities. These are independent state licensed repair facilities that have the equipment and authority to perform testing and repair vehicles.
Glossary “deci” Definition:
The prefix representing the number 0.1
decibel (dB)
Glossary “decibel (dB)” Definition:
Standard of measurement of the relative loudness or intensity of a sound.
Glossary “decimal” Definition:
Number value that divides the inch into parts. It is used when precision is important.
decimal conversion chart
Glossary “decimal conversion chart” Definition:
Allows you to quickly change from fractions, to decimals, to millimeters.
Glossary “decelerate” Definition:
To decrease speed.