Glossary “destructive testing” Definition:
Test that forces the weld apart to measure weld strength. Force applied until the metal or weld breaks.
Glossary “detent” Definition:
1). A recess to hold the gear selector in the gear range selected. 2). A pin, stud, or lever which initiates or halts an action at a determined time or interval. 3). A valve that controls downshifting by boosting throttle pressure.
detent mechanism
Glossary “detent mechanism” Definition:
A shifting control designed to hold the manual transmission in the gear range selected.
Glossary “detergent” Definition:
1). A chemical, added to engine oil, that possesses the ability to clean by preventing the accumulation of deposits. 2). An additive used in gasoline to prevent and/or clean up fuel system deposits.
Glossary “dermatitis” Definition:
Irritated skin, rash.
Glossary “desaturation” Definition:
See chroma.
Glossary “desc” Definition:
Acronym form of Description
Glossary “desiccant” Definition:
1). A material, such as silica gel, that absorbs moisture from a vapor or liquid. 2). A drying agent used in refrigeration systems to remove excess moisture.
design working pressure
Glossary “design working pressure” Definition:
The maximum pressure under which a specific system or component is designed to work safely and without failing.
Glossary “DERM” Definition:
Diagnostic Energy Reserve Module
Glossary “dermal” Definition:
By or through the skin.
depth of fusion
Glossary “depth of fusion” Definition:
The penetration that a weld fusion extends into the base metal, or previous bead, from the surface.
Glossary “DEQ” Definition:
Departmant of Enviornmental Quality
Glossary “DER” Definition:
Department of Environmental Regulations.
Glossary “depressurize” Definition:
To release or remove pressure.
depth filter
Glossary “depth filter” Definition:
A filter that traps contaminants within the matrix of the filter material. A felt filter is a type of depth filter.
depth micrometer
Glossary “depth micrometer” Definition:
Used to measure the distance between two parallel surfaces. It is commonly used to measure various end play specifications in transmissions. Various length rods can be installed to change the range of the needed readings.
deposited metal
Glossary “deposited metal” Definition:
Any filler metal that may have been added during a welding process.
depressed park
Glossary “depressed park” Definition:
The out-of-sight positioning, below the hood line, of windshield wiper blades of some wiper systems.
Department of Transportation (DOT)
Glossary “Department of Transportation (DOT)” Definition:
US Department of Transportation, a federal agency charged with the regulation and control of the shipment of all hazardous materials.