Glossary “dimpling” Definition:
Distortion of an oil-pan rail around the bolt hole.
Glossary “ding” Definition:
A small dent.
dinging hammer
Glossary “dinging hammer” Definition:
Hammer used for final metal shaping.
Glossary “digitize” Definition:
The process by which an A/D converter in the horizontal system samples a signal at discrete points in time and converts the signal’s voltage at these points into digital values called sample points
Glossary “digitized” Definition:
The process of converting an analog voltage signal to a digital equivalent that the computer can understand.
Glossary “diluent” Definition:
A liquid that extends a solution but definitely acts to weaken the solvent power of the active solution.
Glossary “dilution” Definition:
To make thinner or weaker. Oil is diluted by the unintentional addition of fuel and water droplets.
Glossary “DIM” Definition:
Dash Intergration Module
dimmer switch
Glossary “dimmer switch” Definition:
A switch that allows the driver to select either high or low beam operation of the headlights, and to switch between the two.
digital signal
Glossary “digital signal” Definition:
A signal whose level has only discreet values, like on or off, 1 or 0, +5v or 0.0 volts.
Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO)
Glossary “Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO)” Definition:
A digital oscilloscope that acquires signals via digital sampling (using an analog-to-digital converter) It uses a serial-processing architecture to control acquistion, user interface, and the raster display
digital-to-analog converter
Glossary “digital-to-analog converter” Definition:
A device, generally electronic, used to convert discrete digital numbers to continuous analog signals.
digital read out (DRO)
Glossary “digital read out (DRO)” Definition:
A method of electronically reading conditions as opposed to an analog readout.
Digital Sampling Oscilloscope
Glossary “Digital Sampling Oscilloscope” Definition:
A type of digital ooscilloscope that employs equivalent-time sampling method to capture and display samples of a signal, ideal for accurately capturing signals whose frequency components are much higher than the oscilloscopes sample rate.
digital instrument
Glossary “digital instrument” Definition:
A display that indicates an activity, such as rpm, mph, voltage, or fuel supply, with an electronic readout or display.
digital logic
Glossary “digital logic” Definition:
Circuit elements connected in such a manner as to solve problems using components that have only two states of operation
digital multimeter (DVOM)
Glossary “digital multimeter (DVOM)” Definition:
Multimeter that gives a digital readout for the electrical test value.
digital oscilloscope
Glossary “digital oscilloscope” Definition:
A type of oscilloscope that uses an A/D converter to convert the measured voltage into digital information.
digital processed information
Glossary “digital processed information” Definition:
Signals that are yes or no, or on or off.
digital image
Glossary “digital image” Definition:
Pictures stored as computer data.