Glossary “brk” Definition:
Acronym form of Brake
Glossary “brkt” Definition:
Acronym form of Bracket
Glossary “broach” Definition:
A tool used for reshaping or resizing parts.
Glossary “brg” Definition:
Acronym form of Bearing
bridge rectifier
Glossary “bridge rectifier” Definition:
A full-wave rectifier in which the diodes are connected in a bridge circuit allowing current flow to the load during both positive and negative alternation of the supply voltage. To convert AC to DC voltage.
Brinell test
Glossary “Brinell test” Definition:
A technique for testing the hardness of a metal.
Glossary “brinelling” Definition:
A type of mechanical failure used to describe a dent in metal such as what occurs when a shock load is applied to a bearing.
British Imperial System
Glossary “British Imperial System” Definition:
A system of measurement used in the United Kingdom.
breakerless system
Glossary “breakerless system” Definition:
An electronic ignition system that does not use conventional breaker points to time and trigger the primary voltage but retains the distributor for secondary voltage distribution.
Glossary “breakout” Definition:
The point at which a branch departs from the main wiring harness.
Breakout Box (BOB)
Glossary “Breakout Box (BOB)” Definition:
Test device which connects in series between the PCM and it’s harness and permits measurements of inputs and outputs.
breakover angle
Glossary “breakover angle” Definition:
Term used for ramp angle.
Glossary “breathing” Definition:
The ability of an engine to draw in air and exiting of exhaust gases. The better the breathing, the better the performance.
Glossary “break-in” Definition:
The operation of a new vehicle at a constant and even speed to assure even initial wear of all engine parts.
Glossary “breaker” Definition:
Electrical system protection device that opens the circuit, in the event of excessive current flow.
breaker cam
Glossary “breaker cam” Definition:
The rotating part, located near the top of the conventional distributor, that has lobes that cause the breaker points to open and close as the shaft is rotated.
breaker point gap
Glossary “breaker point gap” Definition:
The air gap at the contacts of the breaker points.
breaker points
Glossary “breaker points” Definition:
In a conventional ignition system, an electrical switch that when closed provides current flow in the primary circuit to allow the magnetic field to build. When opened, current flow stops and secondary circuit is discharge, and the spark is delivered to the secondary ignition system. Often called contact points.
breaker trigger system
Glossary “breaker trigger system” Definition:
Any ignition system that utilizes conventional breaker contacts to time and trigger the system.
break before make (BBM)
Glossary “break before make (BBM)” Definition:
Electrical switched circuit that breaks one circuit before making another.