Glossary “blend air door” Definition:
A door in the duct system that controls temperature by mixing heated and cooled air in correct proportions to achieve the desired temperature.
Glossary “blending” Definition:
Combining different varieties of materails by throughly intermingling so that a line of demarcation cannot be distinguished. Producing a harmonious effect.
bleeder jar
Glossary “bleeder jar” Definition:
A glass or transparent plastic container used to detect the escape of air while bleeding brakes.
Glossary “bleed” Definition:
To drain fluid or remove an air or air lock from a system.
bleed air tanks
Glossary “bleed air tanks” Definition:
Process of draining condensation from air tanks to increase air capacity and remove mositure to prevent corrosive damage to the system.
bleed orifice
Glossary “bleed orifice” Definition:
Calibrated orifice in a vacuum system that allows ambient air to enter the system to equalize the vacuum.
Glossary “BK” Definition:
Black, or Back
Glossary “BL” Definition:
black light
Glossary “black light” Definition:
An ultraviolet-light system used to detect flaws in metal parts or the presence of fluorescent dyes .
black smoke
Glossary “black smoke” Definition:
The exhaust that is produced when the air/fuel mixture is to rich.
Glossary “blank” Definition:
Term often used for billet.
Glossary “blasters” Definition:
Air powered tools for forcing sand, plastic beads, or another material onto surfaces for paint removal.
bipolar transistor
Glossary “bipolar transistor” Definition:
A transistor containing both a positive and a negative current carrier.
Glossary “BIT” Definition:
1). Breakerless ignition tester. 2). The smallest unit of information recogized by a computer. Each one and zero represents a bit of information.
Glossary “BJB” Definition:
Battery Junction Box
binary numeral
Glossary “binary numeral” Definition:
The binary representation of a number.
Glossary “binder” Definition:
1). The paint material that forms the film, so called because it binds the pigment and additives into a solid, durable film. 2). Adhesive or glue used in brake and clutch linings, to bond all the other materials together.
Glossary “binders” Definition:
Term used for brakes.
bipolar plates
Glossary “bipolar plates” Definition:
Conductive plate in a fuel cell stack that acts as an anode for one cell and a cathode for the adjacent cell.
Glossary “binary” Definition:
A system in which numbers are represented as sequences of zeros and ones, which is the basis of digital computing.