Glossary “axle boot” Definition:
The flexible cover that retains grease and/or oil in a transmission or a constant velocity joint.
Glossary “AX4S” Definition:
Automatic 4-speed Synchronous transaxle.
Glossary “axial” Definition:
In line along with the axis of centerline of a part or component. Parallel to a shaft or bearing bore.
axial compressor
Glossary “axial compressor” Definition:
A compressor designed so that the cylinders are arranged parallel to the output shaft.
axial load
Glossary “axial load” Definition:
A type of load placed on a bearing that is parallel to the axis of the rotating shaft.
axial motion
Glossary “axial motion” Definition:
Motion that occurs along the axis of a revolving shaft or parallel to the axis of a revolving shaft.
axial movement
Glossary “axial movement” Definition:
Vertical movement. Movement parallel to the axis of a shaft. The measurement of axial movement on a shaft is call endplay.
axial play
Glossary “axial play” Definition:
Axial play in a ball joint means looseness or travel in the same line as the ball joint stud.
Glossary “AWDA” Definition:
Automotive Warehouse Distributors Association, Inc.
Glossary “AWG” Definition:
American Wire Gauge.
Glossary “AX4N” Definition:
Automatic 4-speed Non-Synchronous transaxle.
Glossary “AWD” Definition:
All-Wheel Drive.
avalanche point
Glossary “avalanche point” Definition:
The point at witch a nondestructive PN junction breaks down and creates a reverse bias current flow.
Glossary “AVCS” Definition:
Air Valve Control Solenoid
Glossary “averaging” Definition:
A processing technique used by digital oscilloscopes to reduce noise in a displayed signal. Also used by most multi-meters to display readings (RMS).
Glossary “AVM” Definition:
Advance Vacuum Modulator
Glossary “AVOM” Definition:
Analog Volt Ohm Meter
Glossary “AVR” Definition:
Amps Volts Resistance
auxiliary shaft
Glossary “auxiliary shaft” Definition:
A separate shaft, in an overhead cam engine, that drives devices such as the fuel pump, oil pump, and distributor.
auxiliary springs
Glossary “auxiliary springs” Definition:
Spring(s) added to a vehicle, generally in the rear, to support a heavy load.